Dorly Jean-Louis

VollständigerNameDorly Jean-Louis

StaatsangehörigkeitPort-au-Prince, Haiti


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Dorly Jean-Louis:Schauspieler

in Port-au-Prince, Haiti,Dorly Jean-Louis ist als vielseitiger Künstler in der Welt des Kinos, des Fernsehens und der digitalen Plattformen bekannt.

Dorly Jean-Louis, ein Schauspieler, der in seiner Karriere bemerkenswerte Leistungen erbracht hat, hat in zahlreichen Filmen und Fernsehserien mitgewirkt.

Aufmerksamkeit erregt.

Die Erfolge von Dorly Jean-Louis alsSchauspieler, haben ihn zu einer der herausragenden Persönlichkeiten der Kunstszene weltweit gemacht. Dieser vielseitige Künstler setzt seine Karriere mit neuen Erfolgen fort, und sein Name wird in künftigen Projekten sicherlich häufig zu hören sein.

Dorly Jean-Louis is a Canadian Actress who continues to make a name for herself in film and television with no signs of slowing down. A versatile performer with an appeal that exudes confidence, elegance and poise, she is credited for appearing in several award-winning television series including The Umbrella Academy, 12 Monkeys and Salvation. Dorly's love for acting began as a child fascinated by the artistry and glamour of silver screen classic movies. That interest turned into passion while debuting in independent short films, music videos as well as volunteering as reporter and host for campus television and radio stations. Dorly has definitely come a long way since interning at CTV News as an editorial assistant. No doubt her competitive edge is due in part to her professional training in broadcast journalism. After graduating from college, Dorly launched her acting and modelling career with a leap of faith, a dream and belief in her aptitudes. That conviction paid off. She has since been cast in numerous journalistic roles; as inquisitive reporter Talisha in the Hallmark film Daniel’s Daughter; as a news anchor in the television series Missing; and as a tabloid news reporter in the romantic film A very Country Christmas Homecoming. In her spare time Dorly enjoys recreational dance, writing, reading, attending industry events and travelling. A disciplined artist and entertainer, she's excited to take on new roles on upcoming projects slated throughout the New Year.

Dorly Jean-Louis Filme und Serien des Schauspielers