Michael Hatzer

NombreCompletoMichael Hatzer

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Michael Hatzer:

Michael Hatzer, es reconocido como un artista polifacético en el mundo del cine, la televisión y las plataformas digitales.

Los éxitos de Michael Hatzer como lo han convertido en una de las personalidades destacadas de la escena artística mundial. Este artista polifacético continúa sumando nuevos éxitos a su carrera, y su nombre seguramente se escuchará con frecuencia en futuros proyectos.

Michael Hatzer is among some of the most accomplished DI colorists in Hollywood and has been color timing and digital grading motion picture images for over twenty-five years. Long before digital intermediate grading, Hatzer photo-chemically timed over one-hundred and twenty-five features, hundreds of trailers, and hundreds of thousands of feet of dailies at Deluxe Film Laboratories in Hollywood. Joining EFILM in 2005, he transitioned seamlessly into the early days of DI. Today, he works at Picture Shop as a Supervising Digital Colorist where he heads up his color design team digitally grading dailies, trailers, broadcast TV and feature films. Hatzer has worked alongside many of the top Academy Award winning directors and cinematographers of our time such as Steven Spielberg, Alejando Gonzalez Inarritu, Joel and Ethan Coen, Sam Mendes, Janusz Kaminski, Emmauel Lubezki, Roger Deakins, John Toll and Dion Beebe. He is also an Associate Member of the American Society of Cinematographers.

Michael Hatzer Películas y Series de Televisión del Actor