Drew Monahan

NomCompletDrew Monahan


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Drew Monahan:

Drew Monahan est reconnu comme un artiste polyvalent dans le monde du cinéma, de la télévision et des plateformes numériques.

Les réussites d'Drew Monahan en tant qu' ont fait de lui l'une des figures principales de la scène artistique en le monde. Cet artiste aux multiples talents continue d'ajouter de nouveaux succès à sa carrière, son nom étant destiné à être souvent entendu dans ses futurs projets.

Drew Monahan has been passionate about creating art since he was a boy. The theatre was his first outlet. He studied and worked in technical direction. He graduated from the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music with a BFA in Scenic Design and Production. Monahan bounced around a couple of states after college, running production shops for musicals, drama, opera, and some trade show events. Finally landing in Atlanta. He freelanced for a while, building scenery for a reality show, movies, TV shows, and some rigging. Then Monahan worked for a musical theatre company, designing and building plays for two years. From there, a colleague and he started a production company, supplying designs and built scenery, light, and sound packages to a variety of clients in the Atlanta area. Then an opportunity to work in film and television became a reality, which had been a dream of his since he was a child. He jumped in as a carpenter and began moving himself up the ladder. He worked in construction, paint, set design, and props, but he found that he missed designing and managing projects and productions. In 2011, he made the move to the art department, and he feels he has found his place in this industry. He looks forward to each new production and strives to excel and shine.

Drew Monahan Films et Séries de l'Acteur