Ormanda Geçen En İyi Korku Filmleri!
Ormanda geçen en iyi korku filmleri, izleyicilere gerilim dolu anlar yaşatıyor. Doğanın derinliklerinde geçen hikayeler, seyirciyi koltuğuna sıkı sıkıya bağlıyor. Ormanda kaybolan karakterlerin başlarına gelen olaylar, izleyicilerde heyecan ve korku dolu anlar yaşatıyor. Bu filmler, gerilim tutkunlarının keyifle izleyeceği yapımlar arasında yer alıyor.
ノック 終末の訪問者(Knock at the Cabin) DetailsOne of the unforgettable masterpieces in the history of Movie, ノック 終末の訪問者, captivated audiences with its impressive cast and grand production. Created with a budget of $20,000,000, this masterpiece ac...
クライモリ(Wrong Turn) DetailsOne of the unforgettable masterpieces in the history of Movie, クライモリ, captivated audiences with its impressive cast and grand production. Released in 2021, the Movie continues to maintain its popularity over the y...
COLD WAR あの歌、2つの心(Zimna wojna) DetailsOne of the unforgettable masterpieces in the history of Movie, COLD WAR あの歌、2つの心, captivated audiences with its impressive cast and grand production. Created with a budget of $4,954,500, this masterpi...
パラサイト・バイティング 食人草(The Ruins) DetailsOne of the unforgettable masterpieces in the history of Movie, パラサイト・バイティング 食人草, captivated audiences with its impressive cast and grand production. Created with a budget of $8,000,000, this masterpiece ...
-less[レス](Dead End) DetailsOne of the unforgettable masterpieces in the history of Movie, -less[レス], captivated audiences with its impressive cast and grand production. Created with a budget of $900,000, this masterpiece achieved great su...
ザ・リチュアル いけにえの儀式(The Ritual) DetailsOne of the unforgettable masterpieces in the history of Movie, ザ・リチュアル いけにえの儀式, captivated audiences with its impressive cast and grand production. Created with a budget of $1,000,000, this masterpiece a...
イット・カムズ・アット・ナイト(It Comes at Night) DetailsOne of the unforgettable masterpieces in the history of Movie, イット・カムズ・アット・ナイト, captivated audiences with its impressive cast and grand production. Created with a budget of $5,000,000, this master...
アナイアレイション -全滅領域-(Annihilation) DetailsOne of the unforgettable masterpieces in the history of Movie, アナイアレイション -全滅領域-, captivated audiences with its impressive cast and grand production. Created with a budget of $40,000,000, this masterpi...
ハノーバー・ストリート(Hanover Street) DetailsOne of the unforgettable masterpieces in the history of Movie, ハノーバー・ストリート, captivated audiences with its impressive cast and grand production. by earning a total of $3,000,000 at the box office.Released...