Matthew Broderick

Adı SoyadıMatthew Broderick


UyrukNew York City, New York, USA


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Hakkında Genel Bilgi

Matthew Broderick:Oyuncu

1962 yılındaNew York City, New York, USA'de doğan Matthew Broderick sinema,televizyon ve dijital platformlar dünyasında çok yönlü bir sanatçı olarak tanınıyor.

Oyunculuk kariyerinde başarılı performanslara imza atan Matthew Broderick, Oyuncu olarak rol aldığı dizi/filmler

gibi yapımlardaki rolleriyle dikkatleri üzerine çekti.

Matthew Broderick'in hem oyunculuk alanlarındaki başarıları, onu dünyadaki sanat dünyasının önde gelen isimlerinden biri haline getirdi. Önümüzdeki projelerinde de adını sıkça duyacağımız bu çok yönlü sanatçı, kariyerine yeni başarılar eklemeye devam ediyor.

Matthew Broderick (born March 21, 1962) is an American actor whose career has spanned both the silver screen and the stage. Broderick got his start off broadway but quickly wound up as the lead in Neil Simon's Brighton Beach Memoirs. His first screen role was Max Dugan Returns, also penned by Neil Simon. His breakout role came the same year for his role as a young hacker in Wargames. Later he stared as the eponymous Ferris Bueller in 1985's Ferris Bueller's Day Off, a film which has achieved cult status and had made Broderick a household name. In 1985 while on Vacation in Ireland with his then fiancee Jennifer Grey, who played his sister in Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Broderick was involved in a head on collision that killed two locals. Broderick was deemed at fault and faced five years in prison but his punishment was lessened to just a fine. In 1997 he married Sarah Jessica Parker and the pair have had 3 children together.

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