Neil Jaworski
FullNameNeil Jaworski
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Ahmet Boyacıoğlu is a director and filmmaker. Born in Zonguldak, Turkey in 1953, he graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Medicine. He completed his general surgery specialization in Germany between 1977 and 1985, and retired from active medical practice in 1997. Between 1988 and 1995, he served on the executive board of the Ankara Film Festival. In 1995, he was among the founders of the European Film Festival - Traveling Festival. He has a book titled "Oscar Filmleri" (Oscar Films) and two short films, "Cenaze Töreni" (Funeral Ceremony) and "3x8=24". His film "Cenaze Töreni", starring Tuncel Kurtiz, received a mention at the Kiev Film Festival. Ahmet Boyacıoğlu has written about cinema in various newspapers and magazines. He wrote and directed the 2018 film "Paranın Kokusu" (The Smell of Money).
Neil Jaworski Movies and TV Shows of the Actor