Tom Butler
FullNameTom Butler
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Serkan Ercan is an actor. He was a theater audience member until high school, when he became involved as an actor. He experienced his first stage fright with the play "Ayışığında Şamata" by Haldun Taner. In his senior year of high school, he participated in various workshops on "body, text, and theater." In 1993, he enrolled in Pera Fine Arts, where he also took "stage and diction" classes. While still in his second year at this school, he passed the conservatory entrance exam and entered the Istanbul University State Conservatory in 1995. He graduated from the school in 1999, having had the chance to study under Yıldız Kenter and Haldun Dormen. The play "Zafer Madalyası", which he performed at Dormen Theatre the same year he graduated, was his first professional play.
Tom Butler Movies and TV Shows of the Actor