Elif Ceren Balıkçı
FullNameElif Ceren Balıkçı
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Yiğit Özşener is an actor born in İzmir. He is best known for his role as Mete Avunduk in the film "Kaybedenler Kulübü" (The Losers' Club). He graduated from Yıldız Technical University's Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in 1996 and then completed a master's degree in Business Administration at Koç University between 1997 and 1999. He began his acting career in 1994 with training at the Studio Oyuncuları (Studio Players) group and performed in various plays until 2001. He began his professional stage life with "Gergedanlaşma" (Rhinocerosisation), written and directed by Şahika Tekand, and participated in festivals in Bulgaria and Macedonia. He performed in plays such as Harold Pinter's "The Dumb Waiter" and Şahika Tekand's "Oyuncu" (The Actor). He also played a role in Theodoros Terzopoulos's "Heracles" trilogy at the 10th Ancient Games Festival in Delphi in 2000. He has also appeared in films and television series, is a member of ÇASOD (Chamber of Actors), and works as a voice actor. He speaks English and French.
Elif Ceren Balıkçı Movies and TV Shows of the Actor