Elizabeth Marleau
FullNameElizabeth Marleau
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Born in Çankırı in 1972, she graduated from Hacettepe University State Conservatory. She passed the State Theatres exam and worked for two years at the Trabzon State Theatre. After marrying, she worked at the Diyarbakır State Theatre where her husband was assigned. She stayed in Diyarbakır for four years. She gained recognition in 2000 with the film *Fasulye*. Primarily a theatre actress, she performed in Ankara State Theatre productions such as *Suçlu Yürekler* and *İşte Baş İşte Gövde İşte Kanatlar*. She also appeared on television as Ceyda, Behzat's ex-wife, in the *Behzat Ç.* series. In the 2014-15 season, she played in *Mezarsız Ölüler* at the Ankara Tatbikat Stage. She is married to film and theatre actor Erdal Beşikçioğlu and is the mother of a daughter, Derin (b. 2001), and a son, Ömer (b. 2012).
Elizabeth Marleau Movies and TV Shows of the Actor