Jesús Prieto Ortiz

FullNameJesús Prieto Ortiz


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Tuncay Gürel (1939-2014) was an actor. He is remembered for his roles as Küçük Enişte Bekir in Tosun Paşa and Bakkal Yusuf in Bizimkiler. He had a theatrical career spanning over 45 years, performing in numerous plays. Early in his career, he also worked in circuses. At the age of 75, Tuncay Gürel was admitted to İzmir Ege University Medical Faculty in July 2014 with a diagnosis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Although news of his death was reported in the press on August 13th, it was denied by his family. However, he passed away 16 days later. He was buried in Çiftlikköy district of Yalova.

Jesús Prieto Ortiz Movies and TV Shows of the Actor