Kristian James Andresen

FullNameKristian James Andresen


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Born in Ankara in 1973. Graduated from Hacettepe University Ankara State Conservatory, Acting Department in 2001. Worked as a graduate artist in private theaters and Ankara State Theater. Started working as an artist at Sivas State Theater in 2006 and continues to work there. Theater plays: My Abode is the Mountains, Human Landscapes from My Homeland, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Guest Ladies, Beyond the Walls, A Şehnaz Play, Les Misérables, Three Penny Opera, Ghetto, Sivas State Theater: Second Act, Rocking in the Cradle with Song, Ward 72, Comedy in the Dark. Short films: Asking for Forgiveness from Love, Under the Shower.

Kristian James Andresen Movies and TV Shows of the Actor