Marlee Walchuk

FullNameMarlee Walchuk


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Murat Akdağ is a theater, television, and film actor. He was born in 1979 and started living in Şişli in 1981. He completed his primary, middle, and high school education in Şişli. From 1991 to 1998, he worked various apprenticeships. His introduction to theater was accidental; while working as a real estate agent, he showed a house to a conservatory student. He learned that this student was going to audition for a play. Curious, he went with him, and when his client left the theater group, the role fell to him. However, this amateur group soon disbanded. A few months later, he saw an advertisement in a newspaper for actors needed for a tour and joined the Yeni İstanbul Tiyatrosu, a semi-professional theater. In the 1997-1998 season, he went on a three-month tour of Turkey. In the following season, he and his friends from the touring theater formed a new group in Istanbul and started performing children's plays.

Marlee Walchuk Movies and TV Shows of the Actor