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Nikki Stinson
FullNameNikki Stinson
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Neco, whose real name is Tahir Nejat Özyılmazel, began his artistic career with music and continued it in a very multifaceted way. Neco is from Yozgat. He is a member of the Turkish National Olympic Committee (TMOK) and has served as a manager at Beşiktaş Sports Club many times. He married Oya Germen on January 20, 1975, and has two daughters: Zeynep, born August 15, 1978, and Ayşe, born October 24, 1979. The artist, who played in the TV series TATLI HAYAT with Türkan Şoray, Haluk Bilginer, and Çolpan İlhan for three seasons between 2002 and 2004, also has two films.
Nikki Stinson Movies and TV Shows of the Actor
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