Teresa Sánchez
フルネームTeresa Sánchez
Born in Istanbul in 1965, Ercüment Doğan started his career in acting and producing in 1989 with the establishment of 5 TAŞ ÇOCUK TİYATROSU (5 Stone Children's Theatre). Dedicated to children's theatre, he toured nearly all of Istanbul and Anatolia, spreading his love of theatre to young people. He also performed his plays abroad. He has acted, directed, and produced numerous plays including Gülen Torba, Bir Zamanlar Çocuktuk, Güneş Bulut Çiğdemcik ve Umut, Aya Maya Kumpanya, Kahkaha Torbası, Hacivat Vat İle Karagözüm, Teneke Şövalyeler, Akıl Adası, Çocuk Şov, Kabare 2000, Hansel Gratel, Rapunzel, Yalnız Ağaçlar, Neşeli Kabare, Şirinler, Uyuyan Güzel, Sevimli Maymun Çarli Büyük MO Efsanesi, İlaçlar Mikroplara Karşı, Şen Şakrak Kabare, Çirkin Ördek, Şirinler, Uyuyan Güzel, Ah..Bir Büyük Olsam, Soytarılar Okulu, and the award-winning anti-drug youth play Sessiz Çığlık (Silent Scream). In 1998, as artistic director of BAHÇELİEVLER KÜLTÜR MERKEZİ (Bahçelievler Cultural Center), he worked to raise its profile and provide Istanbul with a new theatre venue. He also acted in other plays such as Annem 40 yaşında Babaannem 20 (My Mother is 40, My Grandmother is 20), Laçka, Gel de Çık İşin İçinden, and Şaşkın Koca.