Battle for Haditha Details
One of the unforgettable masterpieces in the history of Movie, Battle for Haditha, captivated audiences with its impressive cast and grand production. Released in 2007, the Movie continues to maintain its popularity over the years.
Described by many as a cult classic, Battle for Haditha has been watched with great enthusiasm by film lovers.
One of the standout elements of the Movie is its extensive and talented cast. The main actors in this unforgettable production include:
- Yasmine Hanani
- Matthew Knoll
- Elliott Ruiz
- Eric Mehalacopoulos
- Nathan De La Cruz
- Andrew McLaren
- Jase Willette
- Falah Abraheem Flayeh
- Duraid A. Ghaieb
- Oliver Bytrus
- Aya Abbas
Each actor delivered outstanding performances, bringing their characters to life, and the richness of the cast made the Movie truly memorable for audiences.
The directorial team also includes prominent names. Among them:
Nick Broomfield's creative vision, in particular, was a crucial factor in transforming the Movie into a masterpiece.
The screenplay was crafted by the following accomplished writers:
The enchanting world created by Nick Broomfield was brought to life through the talents of these writers, offering audiences an unforgettable experience.
Battle for Haditha Conclusion
Battle for Haditha is a landmark in the world of cinema, recognized as a cult film and continues to attract great interest today. This meticulously crafted production remains an exemplary work in acting, directing, and screenplay.
Die auf wahren Geschehnissen beruhende Geschichte in der irakischen Stadt Al-Haditha.2005 ist Haditha eine Hochburg lokaler Rebellengruppen und der Al Quaida, die immer wieder die dort stationierten US Truppen angreifen. Als bei einem Bombenanschalg auf einen Millitärkonvoi ein amerikanischer Lance Coperal getötet wird, folgt darauf eine gesteuerte, aber unkontrollierte Vergeltungsaktion der Amerikaner, bei der 24 Zivilisten umgebracht werden und die wohl eines der schlimmsten Kriegsverbrechen des gesamten Irak Krieges darstellt...