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パリで一緒に(Paris When It Sizzles) Details

One of the unforgettable masterpieces in the history of Movie, パリで一緒に, captivated audiences with its impressive cast and grand production. Released in 1964, the Movie continues to maintain its popularity over the years.

Described by many as a cult classic, パリで一緒に has been watched with great enthusiasm by film lovers.


One of the standout elements of the Movie is its extensive and talented cast. The main actors in this unforgettable production include:

Each actor delivered outstanding performances, bringing their characters to life, and the richness of the cast made the Movie truly memorable for audiences.


The directorial team also includes prominent names. Among them:

Paul Feyder's creative vision, in particular, was a crucial factor in transforming the Movie into a masterpiece.


The screenplay was crafted by the following accomplished writers:

The enchanting world created by Alan Bergman was brought to life through the talents of these writers, offering audiences an unforgettable experience.

パリで一緒に Conclusion

パリで一緒に is a landmark in the world of cinema, recognized as a cult film and continues to attract great interest today. This meticulously crafted production remains an exemplary work in acting, directing, and screenplay.

著名な脚本家であるリチャード・ベンソンは、プロデューサーのアレギザンダー・マイヤハイムからの依頼を受け、映画『エッフェル塔を盗んだ娘』の脚本に取り組んでいる。とはいえ、決まっているのはタイトルだけで、パリのホテルに滞在しながら遊び呆ける毎日。 締切まであと2日となったある日、若き美人タイピストのガブリエル・シンプソンがホテルの部屋にやってくる。ガブリエルは脚本が1ページもできていないことに驚きあきれるが、彼女の刺激を得ながら、リチャードはようやく脚本の執筆にとりかかる。彼はガブリエルをモデルにして“ギャビー”(ガブリエルの親称)というキャラクターを立ち上げ、自分をモデルにした嘘つきで泥棒の“リック”(リチャードの親称)との、巴里祭を舞台にしたラブ・ストーリーを描き始めるが……。
