Original Title





60 minute


General Information

The drama follows Moo Jin-Hyuk (Jang Hyuk) and Kang Kwon-Joo (Lee Ha-Na) as they work together to catch a serial killer who murdered their close family members. Jang Hyuk plays Moo Jin-Hyuk, a formerly star detective known for solving many cases. His world falls apart when his wife is murdered by a serial killer. He blames himself for her death and dedicates himself to finding her killer. Lee Ha-Na plays Kang Kwon-Joo, a professional voice profiler who graduated top of her class from the police academy. While working at a 112 call center, she witnesses her police commissioner father's murder over the phone. She goes to America to study and returns to Korea as a professional voice profiler. She and Moo Jin-Hyuk team up to hunt down the killer.


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