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Renee Olstead
John Nielsen
Eve Sigall
Michael O'Hagan
Johnny Bogris
Derrick O'Connor
David Weisenberg
Victor Varnado
Rainer Judd
Luciano Miele
Elliot Goldwag
Elaine Corral Kendall
Lloyd Garroway
Mark Margolis
Jack Shearer
Robert Lesser
Robin Tunney
Miriam Margolyes
Udo Kier
Gabriel Byrne
Rod Steiger
Gary Anthony Williams
Kevin Pollak
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Original Title
End Of Days
121 minute
General Information
December 28, 1999: As the world approaches the end of the millennium, these days mark the beginning of the end. Jericho Cane, a former police officer now working for a private security firm, begins a new day unaware of what awaits him. He is bored with th
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