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Michelle Duncan
Lobo Chan
Howard Ward
Asier Newman
Damian O'Hare
Natasha Alderslade
Elle Crocker
Kubrick Ellis
Daren Elliott Holmes
Rita Davies
Stan Ellis
Tara Hugo
In-sook Chappell
Peta Longstaff
Ziad Alyan
Marie Flood
Jessica Stratton
Tom Collier
Dennis Banks (i)
Andrew Havill
Ronnie Fox
William Armstrong
Chris Wilson
Melvil Poupaud
Richard Jenkins
Lena Headey
Ulrich Thomsen
Original Title
The Brøken
93 minute
General Information
Gina, driving down a busy London street, sees a woman who is her exact double. Finding the woman's appearance strange, she follows her to her house. After entering the house, Gina finds a photograph of the woman with her father. On her way home, she has
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