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Teksas Katliamı

Original Title

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre




83 minute


General Information

In this sequel, paranormal investigators seeking to revitalize a ghost town in Texas encounter Leatherface, the infamous killer who wears a mask made of human skin.


Last 3 Reviews

Thomas Lopez

08.01.2025 16:33

A thrilling option for fans of the Teen Slasher genre. The new movie/series atmosphere, fluid script, and suspenseful scenes manage to impress the viewer. With its successful editing, I think it will satisfy genre lovers.

Andrew Hernandez

08.01.2025 09:26

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake, while starting strong, suffered a mid-section slump before a rapid finish. I think fans will appreciate this new version.

Chris Taylor

07.01.2025 18:31

A story with a strong start that fails to meet expectations as it loses momentum in later installments. Logic errors increase the boredom, and while the film scores high initially, it ultimately disappoints. A total score of 7.5 is appropriate.

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