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And the Band Played On

Original Title

And the Band Played On




504000 minute


General Information

The discovery of AIDS was met with a whirlwind of social reactions, ranging from fear and panic to denial and prejudice. The initial ignorance surrounding the disease fueled widespread stigmatization of affected individuals, particularly within the gay community which was disproportionately impacted. This led to discrimination in employment, housing, and healthcare. Fear of contagion resulted in social ostracism and the creation of barriers between infected individuals and the broader population. Simultaneously, a global effort to understand and combat the virus began. Medical professionals, researchers, and scientists worked tirelessly, facing immense pressure to find a treatment or cure amidst limited resources and conflicting information. The urgency to understand transmission routes, develop diagnostic tests, and find effective therapies was paramount, with researchers working day and night, often under intense scrutiny and amidst a climate of public anxiety. The emotional toll on these professionals was significant, as they witnessed firsthand the devastating effects of the disease and the social suffering it caused.


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